Searching Chantix Generic? In this news, we will cover all the details about why Chantix will be unavailable. Moreover, we will also introduce the best alternative for this prescription drug. Happy Reading!
Last week, Pfizer announced a voluntary recall of Chantix, the popular prescription drug used to help people quit smoking. While the brand name product will not be available shortly due to potential Nitrosamine impurities. Good News! ‘Pharmacists are not going to leave without a replacement for their customers.’
The largest Canadian manufacturer of generic drugs, Apotex, has announced they have received FDA authorization to import and distribute Canadian-labeled generic Chantix (Varenicline Tartrate). This support to the US market is expected to be temporary, estimated at 90 days.
Pharmacists should be aware that Apotex is only initially planning on launching bottles with a Canadian DIN, not an NDC, nor will it have the usual barcodes found on US products. Bottles ordered will also contain a “Dear Healthcare Professional” letter within the customer totes containing the US NDC, bar codes, and other information, including an Apotex customer service number to answer any remaining questions.
This past week, Masters issued a recall notice to our customers affected by the Chantix. We’re happy to announce we have access to Apotex’s supply. Apotex is a generic of Chantix and can offer our customers this FDA-authorized alternative. Call your Account Manager at (800) 982-7922 today for more information, or sign in to your account and order today!