January, 2021 Master's Blog Archive

The Masters blog archive from January, 2021 is the place you can find industry news, news about Masters, and our series to better your pharmacy’s marketing, Marketing Matters. In this archive you’ll always be able to find great resources from the past months. While we keep up-to-date, much of our Marketing Matters series will still be relevant to helping your pharmacy improve its business for a long time. Learn about how to write scintillating copy, how best to utilize social media, paid online advertising with Google AdWords, traditional marketing mediums like print or mail campaigns, as well as how best to brand or rebrand your pharmacy with colors, copy, and the ideas you want to convey with your business.

Your Pharmacy Can Help With Asthma Management

Your Pharmacy Can Help With Asthma Management

Industry NewsMasters News

According to the CDC, 1 out of 13 people have asthma and more than 11.2 million people report having experienced 1 or more asthma attacks or episodes in 2018. Asthma is a condition that causes the airways to narrow and…

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